Kisah di ari ahad~~

arini ari minggu.. hmmm...alhmdulillah, dpt bgn awl.. haha.. slalunye, phm2 je la klau da ari mggu.. keh3.. bgn je trus tgk me lappie.. tgk ade org ym ke x.. haha.. bajet glemer je :p hahaha

pas mandi pe smua, bt final touch kt lit review..alhamdulillah, sempat siap pg td.. pastu da nk kat2 tghri, rs xde keje la plak.. aku pon dgn rajin dan ikhlasny nk buat blog for our business ni.. ptotny org lain yg kne wat, tp xpela..they seem bz, so it is totally fine with me to help them ^_^ aku pon trusla wat header tuk blog to, n post ktorg pya bracelet kt blog.. yeay!! akhirnya siap gak.. alhamdulillah..

then ptg td akk aku call ajak mkn.. so pegi la mkn..hehe.. da org nk blnje kan.. ape lg .. ofkoz la kne pegi.. haha..pastu lak, alang2 da jmp akk aku, aku pe lg..trus la pomot bracelet2 aku nih!! hehe.. n akak aku beli!! ni yg syg kt akk aku ni.. hehe.. die beli yg wonderglam warna putih tu.. hikhikhik.. thx a lot ye kakak!! hehe

so skrg ni..keje yg tgl ialah keje porf patel n lab asgnmnt.. hope that i can finish all this asgnmnt by this week coz i will off to cameron this weekend!!! ~~~
hehe.. sape2 nk join?? jom la.. byr sndri ..hahaha :p

erm... tu je kot yg nk diciterkn..hope that our business will become higher n higher n higher..^_^..amin.. :)


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“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru